Ray was on the run before the shooting: He escaped from prison April 23, 1967, while serving a 20-year robbery sentence at the Missouri State Penitentiary. After chasing thousands of tips and leads, Ray was captured at London’s Heathrow Airport June 8, 1968, after a customs agent, not knowing his true identity, detained him for possessing two passports. He pled guilty and was sentenced to 99 years in prison without parole.
9/11 Mastermind Osama bin Laden
The search for Osama bin Laden, the 9/11 mastermind and al-Qaeda founder, remains one of the most high-profile and extensive military manhunt operations in American history. For more than a decade, billions of military and intelligence dollars were spent on the mission, according to former CIA Director Leon Panetta and his chief of staff, Jeremy Bash.
According to the U.S. Navy, the hunt for bin Laden began five years earlier, in 1996, following a number of global terrorists linked to him. The FBI, CIA, NSA and Department of Homeland Security searched for the terrorist, finally locating him in Pakistan after securing intelligence from an al-Qaida leader held at Guantanamo Bay. Following a covert operation to identify bin Laden’s location in a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, a team of nearly 80 Navy SEALS killed him during a raid on May 2, 2011.
The Boston Marathon Bombers
The intense, high-profile five-day manhunt for the brothers responsible for the April 15, 2013, bombing near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, garnered front-page headlines nationwide involving local, state and federal agencies. With three dead and more than 260 injured at the marathon after they detonated a homemade bomb housed in a pressure cooker, brothers Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, were soon identified via surveillance footage, and authorities released photos and videos of the suspects on April 18.
The brothers shot and killed an MIT police officer that night, and early in the morning, a shootout with police in Watertown, Massachusetts, on April 18, left Tamerlan dead. Dzhokhar fled, and the city was put on lockdown. Police found Dzhokhar the next day when an infrared image showed him hiding in a boat in the backyard of a home. He was sentenced to death, and the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the sentence after a federal appeals court tossed it in 2022. His attorneys continue to challenge the decision.
Lincoln Assassin John Wilkes Booth