By: Editors

The US Home Front During World War II

Portrait of an unidentified female riveter at work during WWII on bomber at Consolidated Aircraft Corporation, Fort Worth, Texas, October 1942.

Howard R. Hollem/Getty Images

Published: March 24, 2010

Last Updated: February 27, 2025

On the home front during World War II, everyday life across the United States was dramatically altered. Food, gas and clothing were rationed. Communities conducted scrap metal drives and planted “victory gardens.” To help build the armaments necessary to win the war, women and Blacks found employment as electricians, welders and riveters in defense plants. People in the United States grew increasingly dependent on radio reports for news of the fighting overseas. And, while popular entertainment served to demonize the nation’s enemies, it also was viewed as an escapist outlet that allowed Americans brief respites from the war.

America After Pearl Harbor

On December 7, 1941, the United States was thrust into World War II when Japan launched a surprise attack on the American naval fleet at Pearl Harbor. The following day, America and Great Britain declared war on Japan. On December 10, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States.

Did you know?

During World War II, as an alternative to rationing, Americans planted victory gardens, in which they grew their own food. By 1945, some 20 million such gardens were in use and accounted for about 40 percent of all vegetables consumed in the United States.

In the earliest days of America’s participation in the war, panic gripped the country. If the Japanese military could successfully attack Hawaii and inflict damage on the naval fleet and casualties among innocent civilians, many people wondered what was to prevent a similar assault on the U.S. mainland, particularly along the Pacific coast.

This fear of attack translated into a ready acceptance by a majority of Americans of the need to sacrifice in order to achieve victory.

Flashback: The Hidden Army of Women That Helped Defeat Hitler

This 1944 American propaganda film imagine’s Hitler’s surrender and explains the Füher’s greatest mistake – his underestimation of American women. This episode of Flashback shows how female wartime workers were an indispensable part of America’s victory, even before the war was officially won.

War Rationing Begins

During the spring of 1942, a rationing program was established that set limits on the amount of gas, food and clothing consumers could purchase. Families were issued ration stamps that were used to buy their allotment of everything from meat, sugar, fat, butter, vegetables and fruit to gas, tires, clothing and fuel oil.

The United States Office of War Information released patriotic posters in which Americans were urged to “Do with less—so they’ll have enough” (“they” referring to U.S. troops).

Meanwhile, individuals and communities conducted drives for the collection of scrap metal, aluminum cans and rubber, all of which were recycled and used to produce armaments. Individuals purchased U.S. war bonds to help pay for the high cost of armed conflict.

your victory garden counts more than ever, world war II, poster

“Your Victory Garden Counts More Than Ever.”

K.J. Historical/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images

World War II Poster

“Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It’s Off to Work We Go! Help Win the War: Squeeze in One More.”

Hulton Archive/Getty Images

World War II Poster

“Someone Talked!”

K.J. Historical/Corbis/Getty Images

World War II Poster

“Don’t Even Try, She May Be a Spy.”

Bettmann Archive/Getty Images

World War II Poster

“When You Ride Alone You Ride With Hitler! Join a Car-Sharing Club Today!”

Hulton Archive/Getty Images

World War II Poster Hitler

Hitler depicted as a “Maneater.”

The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images

World War II Poster

“Tokio Kid Says: Much Waste of Materials Make So-o-o-o Happy! Thank You.”

Galerie Bilderwelt/Getty Images

Rosie the Riveter

From the outset of the war, it was clear that enormous quantities of airplanes, tanks, warships, rifles and other armaments would be essential to beating America’s aggressors. American civilian workers played a vital role in the production of such war-related materiel.

Many of these workers were women. With tens of thousands of American men joining the armed forces and heading into training and battle, women began securing jobs as welders, electricians and riveters in defense plants. Until that time, such positions had been almost exclusively for men only.

A woman who toiled in the defense industry came to be known as a “Rosie the Riveter.” The term was popularized in a song of the same name that in 1942 became a hit for bandleader Kay Kyser.

Soon afterward, Walter Pidgeon, a Hollywood leading man, traveled to the Willow Run aircraft plant in Ypsilanti, Michigan, to make a promotional film encouraging the sale of war bonds. One of the women employed at the factory, Rose Will Monroe, was a riveter involved in the construction of B-24 and B-29 bombers. Monroe, a real-life Rosie the Riveter, was recruited to appear in Pidgeon’s film.

During the war years, the decrease in the availability of men in the work force also led to an upsurge in the number of women holding non-war-related jobs in business offices, schools, factories, farms and other enterprises. By the mid-1940s, the percentage of women in the American work force had expanded from 25 percent to 36 percent.

Japanese Internment Camps

President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 in February 1942 calling for the internment of Japanese-Americans after the attacks on Pearl Harbor. The Mochida family, pictured here, were some of the 117,000 people that would be forced into prison camps scattered throughout the country by that June.

Bettmann Archive/Getty Images

This Oakland, California grocery was owned by a Japanese-American and graduate of the University of California. The day after the Pearl Harbor attacks he put up his ‘I Am An American’ sign to prove his patriotism. Soon afterward, the government shut down the shop and forced the owner to a prison camp.

Corbis/Getty Images

Accommodations for Japanese-Americans at the Santa Anita “reception center,” Los Angeles County, California. April 1942.

Corbis/Getty Images

The first group of 82 Japanese Americans arrive at the Manzanar “War Relocation Center” carrying their belongings in suitcases and bags, Owens Valley, California, in March 21, 1942. Manzanar was one of the first 10 prison camps opened in the United States, and its peak population, before it was closed in November 1945, was over 10,000 people.

Eliot Elisofon/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images

Children of the Weill public school, from the so-called international settlement, are shown in a flag pledge ceremony in April of 1942. Those of Japanese ancestry were soon moved to War Relocation Authority centers.

Buyenlarge/Getty Images

A young Japanese American girl standing with her doll, waiting to travel with her parents to Owens Valley, during the forced removal of Japanese Americans under the U.S. Army war emergency order, in Los Angeles, California, April 1942.

Russell Lee/Anthony Potter Collection/Getty Images

The last Redondo Beach residents of Japanese ancestry were forcibly moved out by truck to relocation camps.

Library of Congress/Corbis/Getty Images

Crowds seen waiting for registration at Reception Centers in Santa Anita, California, April 1942.

Universal History Archive/UIG/Getty Images

Japanese Americans were incarcerated in crowded conditions at Santa Anita.

Library of Congress/Corbis/VCG/Getty Images

Risa and Yasubei Hirano pose with their son George (left) while holding a photograph of their other son, U.S. serviceman Shigera Hirano. The Hiranos were held at the Colorado River camp. Shigera served in the U.S. Army in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team while his family was incarcerated.

Corbis/Getty Images

An American soldier guarding a crowd of Japanese American prisoners at an prisoner camp at Manzanar, California in 1944.

Hulton-Deutsch/Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis/Getty Images

Japanese American prisoners at the Gila River Relocation Center greet First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and Dillon S Myer, director of the War Relocation Authority, on a tour of inspection in Rivers, Arizona.

PhotoQuest/Getty Images

Corbis/Getty Images

Not all American citizens were allowed to retain their independence during World War II. Just over two months after Pearl Harbor, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945) signed into law Executive Order 9066, which resulted in the removal from their communities and the subsequent internment of all Americans of Japanese descent who resided on the West Coast.

Executive Order 9066 was the result of wartime panic and the belief on the part of some that anyone of Japanese ancestry, even those who were born in the United States, was somehow capable of disloyalty and treachery. As a result of the order, nearly 120,000 Japanese Americans were dispatched to makeshift Japanese internment camps.

Despite the internment of their family members, young Japanese-American men fought bravely in Italy, France and Germany between 1943 and 1945 as members of the U.S. Army’s 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry. By the end of the war, the 100th had become the most decorated combat unit of its size in U.S. Army history.

Opportunities for Black Americans

African Americans also served honorably in World War II, though they were initially denied entry into the Air Corps or the Marine Corps, and could enlist only in the all-Black messmen’s branch of the U.S. Navy.

Nonetheless, many African Americans benefited from the increased employment opportunities available during the war. And with their newfound social standing came a new sense of pride—and assertiveness.

The Pittsburgh Courier, a Black newspaper, promoted a “Double V” campaign: V for victory in the war abroad, and another V for victory in the efforts to end segregation at home. Responding to these and other protests, Roosevelt signed an executive order creating a Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC) to investigate discrimination complaints.

Eventually, some Black airmen were permitted to fly, and racial segregation eased somewhat, but true equality for Blacks was denied. A Black soldier who was turned away from a lunchroom in Salina, Kansas, saw German prisoners of war being served. “The people of Salina would serve these enemy soldiers and turn away Black American GIs,” he lamented.

Baseball and the Battlefield

In January 1942, Kenesaw Mountain Landis, the national commissioner of baseball, wrote a letter to President Roosevelt in which he asked if professional baseball should shut down for the duration of the war. In what came to be known as the “green light” letter, Roosevelt responded that professional baseball should continue operations, as it was good for the country’s collective morale and would serve as a needed diversion.

During the war, 95 percent of all professional baseball players who donned major league uniforms during the 1941 season were directly involved in the conflict. Future Hall of Famers Bob Feller, Hank Greenberg, Joe DiMaggio and Ted Williams traded their baseball jerseys for military fatigues.

Feller, in fact, enlisted in the U.S. Navy one day after Pearl Harbor. Because baseball was depleted of so many able bodies, athletes who otherwise likely never would have made the big leagues won spots on rosters. One of the more notable was Pete Gray, a one-armed outfielder who appeared in 77 games for the St. Louis Browns in 1945.

Men lined up at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill’s V-5 Naval Aviation Cadet Training Program in 1942. The program was one of five that trained U.S. aviation cadets for World War II. The cadets typically started their days at 5 a.m.

Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC- Chapel Hill

Cadets practiced military drills and marksmanship.

Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC- Chapel Hill

“Our pilots to be inducted into the Naval service in general come from a soft, luxurious, loose-thinking, lazy, peace-time life in our homes and schools, and must be prepared physically and mentally to meet and defeat pilots and personnel of our enemies,” wrote T.J. Hamilton, Lieutenant Commander, USN, division of Aviation Training.

Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC- Chapel Hill

The daily schedule consisted of early morning calisthenics or road work, followed by breakfast and a rotation between physical drills, military drills and academics.

Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC- Chapel Hill

“It was alternatively incredibly challenging, dangerous and wearisome,” says WWII historian Donald W. Rominger. “However, these were young, healthy and robust young men, and they were more than able to snap back.

Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC- Chapel Hill

Cadets were sometimes dropped in unknown locations in groups or pairs and forced to find their way out, using everything they’d learned about survival.

Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC- Chapel Hill

Some of the cadets were athletic prodigies who had lettered in multiple sports.

Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC- Chapel Hill

Training incorporated the aerowheel, a giant wheel sometimes used in performing arts circuses that cadets strapped their feet into and rolled in to improve balance, coordination and core strength.

Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC- Chapel Hill

Swimming was considered one of the most essential skills to survive combat missions over the ocean.

Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC- Chapel Hill

In sports, tough competition was encouraged.

Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC- Chapel Hill

Cadets were expected to keep their individual quarters neat and tidy.

Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC- Chapel Hill

President George H.W. Bush, who trained at the school later wrote, “I found Chapel Hill to be extremely beautiful, but the cadets were worked pretty hard, so we didn’t get much time to enjoy the town.”

Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC- Chapel Hill

A training manual instructed that each cadet should gain “the ability to kill a man twelve different ways with his bare hands.”

Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC- Chapel Hill

Knot-tying was another critical skill for the future airmen.

Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC- Chapel Hill

Few fouls called during sports matches. As author and historian, Anne R. Keene, says, “The theory was, the enemy is going to kill you in the worst way possible, so whether it’s basketball or soccer, it’s all out, and you had to fight your way through it.”

Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC- Chapel Hill

Hollywood Goes to War

Throughout World War II, American moviegoers were treated to a steady stream of war-related programming. The movie-going experience typically included a newsreel, which lasted approximately 10 minutes and was loaded with images and accounts of recent battles, followed by an animated cartoon.

While many of these cartoons were entertainingly escapist, some comically caricatured the enemy (many in ways that would later be seen as racist). Among these titles were “Japoteurs” featuring Superman, “Der Fuehrer’s Face” starring Donald Duck, “Confessions of a Nutsy Spy” with Bugs Bunny, “Daffy the Commando” with Daffy Duck and “Tokyo Jokie-o.”

Documentaries such as the seven-part “Why We Fight” series, released between 1943 and 1945 and produced and directed by Academy Award-winning filmmaker Frank Capra, included Axis propaganda footage and emphasized the necessity of America’s involvement in the war, as well as the importance of Allied victory.

As for the main program, movie theaters showed non-war-related dramas, comedies, mysteries and Westerns; however, a significant segment of feature films dealt directly with the war. Scores of features spotlighted the trials of men in combat while demonizing the Nazis and Japanese who perpetuated the conflict.

Grueling Fight for Control of Guadalcanal

American fighter pilots take on the Japanese in a grueling fight for control of Guadalcanal.

“Wake Island, “Guadalcanal Diary,” “Bataan” and “Back to Bataan” were a few of the titles that centered on specific battles. “Nazi Agent,” “Saboteur” and “They Came to Blow Up America” portrayed America’s enemies as spies and terrorists.

Meanwhile, some of the top stars of Hollywood joined the military. Many appeared in government-produced training films and morale-boosting short subjects. Others participated directly in the fighting.

Clark Gable, the beloved Academy Award-winning actor, served as a tail-gunner with the U.S. Army Air Corps and flew combat missions over Germany. Jimmy Stewart, another adored Oscar winner, had enlisted in the corps even before Pearl Harbor. He eventually became a B-24 combat pilot and commander who flew missions over Germany.

Patriotic Music and Radio Reports

As the United States became immersed in the war, Americans listened to more patriotic or war-related music. Even before the country entered the war, such ditties as “The Last Time I Saw Paris,” which evoked nostalgia for a peaceful pre-war Paris, and “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy,” which charted a young soldier’s military experiences, were extremely popular.

Other songs with self-explanatory titles were “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition,” “Comin’ In on a Wing and a Prayer” and “You’re a Sap, Mr. Jap.”

Radio was the primary source of news and entertainment for most American households during the war, and as the conflict progressed, people grew increasingly dependent on radio for updates on the fighting overseas.

They were riveted by the frontline reports from such legendary journalists as Edward R. Murrow. Meanwhile, big bands like the orchestra headed by Glenn Miller—who died in a wartime flight from England to Paris—and entertainers such as Bob Hope performed before thousands at military bases. These programs were aired directly on the radio to listeners from Maine to California.

Dramatic radio programming increasingly featured war-related storylines. One of the most jarring was “Untitled,” a production penned by writer Norman Corwin and broadcast on the CBS radio network. “Untitled” traced the story of Hank Peters, a fictional American soldier who was killed in combat.


The Home Front. The National WWII Museum. The World War II Home Front. The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. The WWII Home Front. National Park Service.

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Citation Information

Article title
The US Home Front During World War II
Website Name
Date Accessed
March 28, 2025
A&E Television Networks
Last Updated
February 27, 2025
Original Published Date
March 24, 2010

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