President George W. Bush's administration contained several prominent officials, such as Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who had advocated for the First Gulf War and supported invading Iraq. Soon after a group of mostly Saudi terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, a movement began within the Bush administration to remove Iraq's leader, the dictator Saddam Hussein, from power, on the grounds that he was connected to the attacks. Powell was not among this clique—according to him, he warned Bush in August of 2002 that removing Hussein might be easy but turning Iraq into a stable, friendly democracy would not be.
At the president's urging, Powell took his case to the United Nations, leading to the decision to send inspectors into the country to search for "weapons of mass destruction." The inspectors found no proof of such weapons, but Congress nonetheless authorized Bush to use military force against Iraq in October of 2002. According to Powell, Bush had already decided to do so before sending Powell to the U.N.
Powell said he was delivering "facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence" as he told the UN that Iraq possessed biological weapons. He had reportedly received the text of the speech four days before it was to be given, during which time the State Department's intelligence bureau had raised red flags.
Among the speech's questionable assertions were the claims that Iraqi officials had ordered biological weapons removed ahead of UN searches, that Iraq's conventional missiles appeared fit to carry chemical weapons, and that Hussein possessed mobile labs capable of producing anthrax and other toxins. The speech cherry-picked testimony from various Iraqi sources, omitting that Hussein's son-in-law, who had been in charge of Iraq's WMD program before defecting in 1995, had testified that Iraq had destroyed all of its chemical weapons after the First Gulf War.
Powell's speech may not have launched the invasion, which began in March, but it justified it to the American public and provided cover for the U.S. with the international community. Though the UN maintained that the invasion of Iraq was illegal, the Bush administration and allies like Tony Blair's government in Britain felt that Powell's speech had done the job in making the case for war.