On July 6, 1946, George Walker Bush—the son of 41st U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush—is born in New Haven, Connecticut. George W. Bush went on to become the 43rd U.S. president.
When he was two years old, Bush’s parents moved to Texas. where the elder Bush worked in the oil industry. Bush was nicknamed “Dubya” for his middle name, which began with the letter “W,” and as a way to distinguish him from his father, who was also named George. He graduated from Yale University in 1968, after which he served in the Texas Air National Guard as an F-102 fighter pilot. In 1975, Bush obtained his M.B.A. from Harvard University and followed his father into the lucrative oil business. He worked on the senior Bush’s successful presidential campaign of 1988 (as well as the ill-fated one in 1992), became part-owner of the Texas Rangers baseball team in 1989 and became governor of Texas in 1994, a position he held for six years.
George W. Bush ran for the presidency as a “compassionate conservative” Republican in 1999. Bush lost the popular vote but narrowly beat Democrat Vice President Al Gore in an election that hinged on close vote counts in several Florida counties. Gore filed a lawsuit contesting the results, but a month later the Supreme Court, in a controversial decision, declared Bush the winner, making him the 43rd president of the United States.
Bush revived a conservative political agenda similar to that advanced by both his father’s and Ronald Reagan’s administrations, and even appointed key advisors from both Bush Sr.’s and Reagan’s administrations to his cabinet. Bush appointed the first Black secretary of state, the well-known and respected former Gulf War general, Colin Powell.