On January 15, 1968, an 87-year-old Jeannette Rankin leads 5,000 women—nicknamed the "Jeannette Rankin Brigade"—in a march in Washington, D.C. against the Vietnam War. The march is a capstone of Rankin's long career as a suffragist, pacifist and the first woman elected to U.S. Congress.
Inspired by Mahatma Gahndi, Rankin organized a group of 5,000 women who wanted America out of Vietnam. They intended to present an anti-war petition to the Speaker of the House, John W. McCormack. Most of the women protesters dressed somberly in all black, to mourn the loss of their fathers, brothers and sons in the conflict. Another contingent of the protesters eschewed this approach; instead, they dressed in bright colors and provocative outfits, exhorting women to "resist approaching Congress playing these same roles that are synonomous with powerlessness," and instead to "[unite] into a force to be reckoned with."
Jeannette Rankin was a fierce advocate for women's rights and a staunch pacifist throughout her long career. She was born in the Montana Territory in 1880, and worked on women's suffrage campaigns across 15 states. Her advocacy included organizing New York City garment workers after the notorious Triangle Shirtwaist Fire.