Chico Mendes, a Brazilian union leader and environmental activist who dedicated much of his life to defending the Amazon rainforest, is assassinated on December 22, 1988. He was 44 years old.
Mendes was a longtime rubber tapper—rubber tapping is a sustainable process for extracting latex from trees which does not require the tree to be damaged or cut down—who organized other Amazonian rubber tappers against the growing and ecologically devastating cattle-ranching industry. Beginning in the 1970s, Mendes organized _empates—_peaceful demonstrations—in which protestors would protect trees with their own bodies. Mendes pushed the Brazilian government to pass initiatives that would create protected rubber areas in the Amazon. These “extractive reserves” would give rubber tappers the right to continue to sustainably harvest rubber, nuts and other products. As his profile grew, Mendes traveled outside of Brazil, lobbying non-governmental organizations to finance these sustainable reserves.