The bodies of Tracy Paules and Manuel Taboada are discovered at the Gatorwood Apartments, near the campus of the University of Florida. Their murders came two days after the discovery that three young female students had been killed and mutilated in two separate locations near the campus. The serial killer was known for positioning his victims’ bodies in a lewd manner before he left. Authorities determined that all five murders were connected, and the Gainesville student community panicked.
While the first murders spawned a massive investigation including75 state and federal agents, Florida’s governor sent an additional 50 state troopers and investigators to assist after the bodies of Paules and Taboada were found.
University of Florida officials offered all students temporary on-campus housing to those afraid for their safety. Nearby Santa Fe Community College allowed its students to return home for two weeks with no adverse affect on their grades. In the wake of the crimes, people flooded the sheriff’s office to obtain concealed weapons permit applications, while stores ran out of mace.