The arrival of kid's menus on the restaurant scene represented a new era both in dining, and in American attitudes towards children.
Although sushi in some form has been part of Japanese culture for well over a thousand years, it didn’t make it to American shores until 1966.
During its brief time in service, the transatlantic aircraft carried hundreds of passengers in comfort and style.
Long before Emeril Lagasse and even Julia Child, folks were learning the ins and outs of cuisine from their televisions.
This week we’ll take a look at an American institution that traces it roots back to 19th century New York
Did you know that New York has a state muffin and that Jell-O is the state snack of Utah?
What did astronauts eat on their celestial voyages? From dehydrated spaghetti to bacon cubes, the answers might surprise you.
Why did the discovery of gold in California lead to a dramatic rate of inflation in the cost of food itself?