New research published this weekend provides the latest fodder for a long-standing debate over when the majestic Grand Canyon was actually formed.
The remains of a previously unidentified pharaoh dating back some 3,600 years provides valuable new evidence of a forgotten Egyptian dynasty.
Fossils of an ancient fish found in the Canadian Arctic suggest that the hind legs of four-legged animals actually developed in the water, as enhanced fins.
With some help from abroad, the National Museum of Afghanistan has reassembled or recovered thousands of artifacts destroyed or stolen under Islamist rule.
A newly translated ancient Hebrew text provides clues to what may have happened to the Ark of the Covenant, along with the other treasures in King Solomon’s Temple.
A team of researchers has discovered more information about what causes “supervolcanoes” to erupt, and their findings are unsettling.
A natural cave found near the source of the deadly 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami has revealed the footprints of past gigantic waves going back some 7,500 years.
According to the latest Pew Research Center survey, nine out of every 10 Americans celebrate Christmas, but only half of those view it as a religious holiday.