Early humans may have been primitive—but they had some sophisticated habits and tastes.
The skull, housed in Brazil's now-destroyed National Museum, belongs to a Paleoindian woman whose remains are believed to be the earliest ever discovered in the Americas.
The teeth, found near what was once a dentist's practice, tell a vivid story about the horrors of Victorian dentistry.
It's claimed to be the oldest solid cheese ever found—and it contains bacteria that would have made ancient Egyptians sick.
Sonar spotted the lost stern of the USS Abner Read, which was cleaved in two by an explosion during the Battle of the Aleutian Islands.
Louisa Adams did not step foot on American soil before her 26th birthday—the same age as the second foreign-born first lady, Melania Trump, when she came to the United States nearly 200 years later.
British Museum experts identified the artifacts, including ancient Sumerian cones, that had been pillaged amid the chaos that followed the fall of Saddam Hussein.
Railway tracks buckled, people slept in parks, hundreds died, while others tried to die as the heat and humidity became unbearable.