The practice of manipulating voting districts to secure political power predates the fearsome Gerry-mander. In 18th-century England, political operatives created “rotten boroughs” with only a few eligible voters, making it easy for politicians to buy the residents’ votes and gain seats in Parliament.
After English colonists founded the United States, gerrymandering “began almost immediately,” says Thomas Hunter, a political science professor at the University of West Georgia. There’s evidence that Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina drew districts to benefit some candidates over others in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Still, these gerrymandered districts were relatively “normal”-looking compared to what would come later.
“I think that what they did in Massachusetts in 1812 really was on steroids compared to what had gone on before,” Hunter says.
That’s because the 1812 Massachusetts gerrymandering was more brazen about contorting districts into odd shapes to maximize a party’s gain. Even though the Jeffersonian Republicans received roughly 49 percent of the vote, they won 29 of the 40 seats in the state Senate.
This led to a backlash against the state’s Jeffersonian Republican Party (not to confused with the Republican Party, established in 1854). The next year, the Federalists regained control of the state legislature. Ironically, it was the Jeffersonian Republicans’ thinly-drawn districts that allowed the party to lose them with only a small shift in political opinion. Once in power, the Federalists redrew the districts.
The 1813 election inspired “cartoons showing the original Gerry-mander, but now showing it as a skeleton,” Hunter says. These cartoons suggested that the election “had killed off the monster.”
Gerrymandering Increases When Black Men Win the Vote
Though the Massachusetts monster was dead, the practice of gerrymandering continued for over two centuries, usually increasing or decreasing depending on the intensity of two-party competition at the time. There were fewer obvious instances of gerrymandering during the so-called “Era of Good Feelings” from 1815 to 1825. Yet gerrymandering increased in the 1830s, after politicians established the rival Democratic and Whig parties.
When Black men won the right to vote after the Civil War, gerrymandering was “taken up a notch,” Hunter says. Southern states in particular drew districts to maximize the electoral advantage for the Democratic Party, which most white southern voters supported, over the Republican Party, which most Black voters supported.
This was when states started to draw more “long stringy districts,” he says. The goal of these was usually to concentrate as many Black voters as possible into one district so that the rest of the districts would have a white majority.
In 1874, South Carolina introduced the first non-contiguous voting district, but had to change back to contiguous districts for the 1876 election because the U.S. House of Representatives told the state it wouldn’t seat any more members elected under such a system. In 1882, South Carolina created a “boa constrictor” district that concentrated Black Americans—who made up the majority of the state’s population—into one winding district, so that every other district had a white majority.
Gerrymandering in the south fell off in the early 20th century due to the success of suppressing Black voters through poll taxes, the threat of lynching and other insidious tactics. Because the only people who could vote in southern states were white and usually Democrats, the white Democratic establishment didn’t feel it needed to manipulate districts to maintain its majority.