Rifles and muskets also went through rapid improvements up to and through the Civil War, aided in part by the Industrial Revolution. A major flaw of the flintlock design was that wet weather could foil a gunner’s chance to fire his weapon.
To avoid this problem, gunsmiths developed new types of ignition systems that protected gun powder from the elements. The percussion system, developed in 1807, used a small copper cap filled with charge. The cap was inserted into a “nipple” at the rear of the gun barrel and, when the trigger was pulled, a hammer struck the cap, igniting a spark in the cap and then the gun powder.
Double-Barrel Shotguns
Other improvements included breechloading systems that allowed the gunner to load the weapon from the rear, rather than having to tamp it down from the gun’s muzzle end. Rear-loading or breechloading systems developed by gun manufacturers, including Sharps, Maynard and Burnside, packed the projectile and powder together in a single, combustible cartridge. The system not only saved time, it also avoided exposing gun powder to wet conditions.
Next, gun manufacturers set their focus on speeding up the time required to reload a weapon. Colt’s revolver system offered one method for rapid reloading, but by the mid 19th century, it wasn’t the only game in town.
Another concept mounted multiple barrels onto a single stock to gain more bang for every trigger pull. Double-barrel shotguns are still produced today.
Spencer Gun
The Spencer Repeating Rifle Company patented a design at the start of the Civil War that was capable of repeated firing following a single ammunition load. The Spencer gun (a favorite of President Abraham Lincoln) loaded multiple cartridges at once by storing them in a magazine at the rear of the gun. Each shot was then fed into the chamber through a manual mechanism.
Benjamin Henry developed a similar model, in the Henry, and patented the design in 1860. During the Civil War, the Henry was called “the rifle you could load on Sunday and shoot all week long.” Perhaps more importantly, the Henry became the inspiration for the classic Winchester rifle.
John Moses Browning
One of the most acclaimed firearms designer in history, John Moses Browning of Ogden, Utah, began designing for the New Haven-based Winchester Repeating Arms Company in 1883 and created a version of the rifle that incorporated a pump action.
Pump, or slide-action guns feature a mechanism where the shooter pulls back a grip on the gun’s forearm and then pushes it forward to eject the empty shell and reload the gun with a new shell. Browning, however, would become best known for his contributions to automatic loading firearms.
In automatic weapons, power generated by the firing of the weapon is used to eject empty cartridges and reload. Among Browning’s 128 gun patents, some of his best-known weapons include the M1911 pistol, the Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) and the M2 .50 caliber machine gun, which he designed in 1933.
The M2 was adopted by the U.S. military and after only slight modifications, became the main U.S. sidearm issued through the Vietnam War. The M1911 was the U.S. military’s first semi-automatic handgun and versions of it remain a weapon of choice among military, law enforcement and sports shooters.
Gatling Gun
Before Browning developed his semi-automatic handguns and machine guns, Indianapolis, Indiana-based Richard Gatling had already created an earlier, more primitive version of the machine gun.
In the early 1860s, Gatling received a patent for a hand-cranked, multiple barreled weapon that could fire 200 rounds per minute. The Gatling gun could fire for as long as the gunner turned the weapon’s crank and an assistant fed the machine ammunition.
Maxim Gun
Hirem Maxim, an American-born British inventor, would take the machine gun to the next level with his Maxim gun. The weapon harnessed the recoil energy from each bullet fired to eject a used cartridge and pull in the next one.
The Maxim machine gun of 1884 could fire a barrage of 600 rounds per minute and would soon arm the British Army, and then the Austrian, German, Italian, Swiss and Russian armies.
The Maxim gun and its later versions under Maxim’s new company, Vickers, became pervasive in World War I, while German forces used their own versions of the machine gun. U.S. forces would eventually bring Browning machine gun models to the front.
The barrage of fire generated by machine guns on all sides lead to the development of trench warfare, since shelter became critical for soldiers trying to avoid rapid-fire sprays of bullets from the new weapons.
Tommy Gun
A generation later, during U.S. conflicts in Nicaragua and Honduras, the advent in 1918 of the lightweight Thompson submachine gun, also known as the Tommy gun, would offer a hand-held version of the deadly machine gun as one of the first portable and fully automatic firearms.
While the Thompson was developed too late to be used in World War I, its inventor, John Thompson, marketed the gun through his company to law enforcement. But the weapon also found its way into the hands of criminals whom law enforcement was targeting.
In the age of Prohibition, the Tommy gun became a weapon of choice among gangsters, leading to many of the era’s most horrifying crimes, including the infamous Valentine’s Day Massacre of February 14, 1929.
That slaughter and others like it inspired the first federal gun control law in American history: The National Firearms Act of 1934, which forbade a private market for the Thompson. Eventually the weapon would find purpose as a weapon in GI’s hands on the battlefields of World War II, alongside Browning’s automatic rifles and machine guns, the M-1 Garand semi-automatic rifle and the American-made M3 sub machine gun.
Among the most significant firearm inventions during the Cold War era was the AK-47 rifle, developed by Mikhail Kalashnikov for the Soviet military in 1947 (AK stands for “the Automatic by Kalashnikov”). The short-barreled weapon with steep front-sight posts and curved magazines offered the rapid-fire of machine guns with lighter-weight portability.
The deadly effectiveness of the Kalashnikov in the Vietnam War led defense forces at the Pentagon to produce a new U.S. assault rifle, the AR-15, which became known as the M-16.
Both weapons are gas operated, meaning that a portion of high-pressure gas from the cartridge is used to power the extraction of the spent cartridge and insert a fresh one into the weapon’s chamber. Both can fire up to 900 rounds a minute.
Into the 21st century, modernized versions of the fully automatic AK-47 and the M-16, chiefly the M4 carbine, have dominated U.S. military rifle power.
In the civilian world, the AR-15, a semi-automatic version of the M-16 has become popular among gun sports enthusiasts, as well as among mass shooters (in Newtown, Conn., Las Vegas, Nevada, San Bernardino, Calif. and Parkland, Fla.).
Today, the term semi-automatic refers to auto-loading guns that require a trigger pull for every shot fired, as opposed to fully automatic weapons which can fire multiple shots for every trigger pull.
Both versions of the modern automatic weapon can fire hundreds of bullets per minute and represent a vast leap beyond the nation’s earliest guns, such as flintlock rifles, which even highly skilled gunners only managed to fire three times in one minute.
“Guns-The Evolution of Firearms,” by Kevin R. Hershberger (Director), Mill Creek Entertainment, January 8, 2013.
“How the Government Launched the U.S. Gun Industry,” by Pamela Haag, May 15, 2016, Politico.
The Oxford History of Modern War, by Charles Townsend, Editor, published by Oxford University Press, 2000.
National Park Service.
Famous Gunsmiths Throughout History, Colorado School of Trades.
Thanksgiving Leftovers: The Guns of the Pilgrims, November 25, 2011, Guns.com.
Guns, Jim Supica, TAJ Books, 2005.
Harpers Ferry Armory and Arsenal, National Park Service.
“The First Gun in America,” by Linton Weeks, April 6, 2013, NPR.
Eli Whitney Museum and Workshop, Arms Production at the Whitney Armory.
“The Tools of Modern Terror: How the AK-47 and AR-15 Evolved Into Rifles of Choice for Mass Shootings,” by C.J. Chivers, February 15, 2018, The New York Times.
“Mikhail Kalashnikov, Creator of AK-47, Dies at 94,” by C.J. Chivers, December 23, 2013, The New York Times.
“How the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre Changed Gun Laws,” by A. Brad Schwartz, February 16, 2018, The New York Times.