Opposition to the Eiffel Tower Emerges
Construction started on January 26, 1887, and lasted until March 31, 1889. But significant opposition emerged early on from notable detractors.
On February 14, 1887, artists, writers and intellectuals including Guy de Maupassant, Alexandre Dumas, Sully Prudhomme and Charles Garnier published a letter of protest against the project in the Le Temps newspaper.
Their letter states: “We come, as writers, painters, sculptors, architects, and passionate lovers of the beauty that Paris has until now preserved intact, to protest with all our strength, with all our indignation, in the name of disregarded French taste, in the name of threatened French art and history, against the erection, in the very heart of our capital, of the useless and monstrous Eiffel Tower, which public malice, often marked by common sense and a sense of justice, has already dubbed the Tower of Babel.”
They also called the tower project a “truly tragic street lamp” and a “carcass waiting to be fleshed out.”
“Charles Garnier, who is the architect of the Paris Opera House, said, ‘It's this horrible thing. It's not architecture. It's just this frame of a building,’” says Lisa D. Schrenk, professor of architectural history in the University of Arizona’s School of Architecture.
Unlike the building process for Notre Dame, constructed in the 12th century, the fewest materials possible were used to create the Eiffel Tower, Schrenk says.
Artistic vs. Mechanical Engineering Marvel
The tower’s construction sparked debate about whether the engineering marvel would have artistic features or only engineering attributes, says S. Hollis Clayson, professor emerita of art history at Northwestern University.
“The irony of the thing is that when it was built, it was covered with very flowery, some people said, Gothic ornaments, which have since been cut off and thrown away,” she says.
Artists were calling the tower ugly before a third of it was constructed, Clayson says.
“So they were reacting to the broad base of the tower, and that it was 100 percent iron,” she says.
Eiffel Goes on Defense for the Tower
Eiffel defended his project in Le Temps, arguing that it would “have its own beauty.” And he reminded artists that just “because we are engineers, does one assume that beauty does not concern us in our constructions, and that while we strive to build solid and durable structures, we do not also endeavor to make them elegant?”
The 2 million people who flocked to the tower during the 1889 World's Fair proved Eiffel’s declaration that “there is, in the colossal, a unique attraction and charm.”
Many had to climb stairs to the top because the elevators didn’t work at first. They were rewarded with views of Paris from a new vantage point.
“You could get a whole perspective of the city in a way that you hadn't been able to before, just because of how tall it was compared to any other building,” O'Neil-Henry says.
Science Used to Preserve the Tower
Though the Eiffel Tower was wildly popular after it opened, it didn’t generate as much enthusiasm during the 1900 World’s Fair in Paris.
And city officials could not be counted on to preserve the tower. In 1906, they ordered the razing of the Gallery of Machines, another 1889 exposition attraction, because they could not justify keeping open what was once the world’s largest building.
“Once the tower had been up for 20 years, there was a small discussion again, about whether or not it should stand, but there was no objection to keeping it standing,” Clayson says.