In early 2021, Deb Haaland was sworn in as the secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior, making her the first Native American cabinet secretary in the history of the United States. A tribal member of the Laguna Pueblo, she was raised in New Mexico, a state that has been home to 35 generations of her family. After becoming the first woman elected to the board of directors for the Laguna nation's development corporation, she managed the state's second-largest tribal gaming enterprise. In 2018, she became one of the first two Indigenous women elected to serve in the U.S. Congress.
Haaland spoke with about how the past informs her life and her work.
What ways does history influence your decision-making in your current role?
We never want to repeat the bad parts of history, right? In fact, it makes sense for the Interior Department to correct bad history where we can and move our agency and country forward. For example, our Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative seeks to bring closure to generations of Indigenous people whose family members were victims of that awful policy era in our country: “Kill the Indian, save the man.”
We are in a new era now, and we must do all we can to live up to [the agency's] mission of managing and conserving America’s public lands, natural resources and cultural heritage; and honor the trust and treaty obligations to the nation’s 574 federally recognized Indian tribes. My hope is that future generations will look back on THIS history and say that we did some things right.
Could you elaborate on those treaty obligations?
When Europeans first came to this continent in the late 1400s, there were thousands of Indian tribes who had lived here for millennia. Once it became apparent that this was a continent the Europeans wanted to essentially take over, they commenced taking land away from tribes. In that process, many treaties, executive orders, acts of Congress were made—between various tribes and the United States—that work to displace Native Americans from their ancestral homelands. Today, the U.S. federal government still has an obligation to live up to all of those treaties, those executive orders, and those acts of Congress, to ensure that tribal nations can thrive, that their children can be educated, that they have housing to live in and that we are working to help them with their economic development.