While Pitt students rallied around their classmate, Georgia Tech’s all-white student body defied Griffin as well. A river of flame flowed down Atlanta’s Peachtree Street as 2,000 torch-carrying students marched two miles from campus to the governor’s mansion. They incinerated effigies of Griffin, uprooted parking meters, overturned furniture inside the State Capitol and placed cans and signs on Confederate statues.
Effigies of the governor were also set ablaze at Mercer and Emory universities, while even students at rival University of Georgia joined in solidarity with signs that read: “This time we are for Tech.”
Only one out of 50 telegrams to Georgia Tech supported the governor. “I’m 60 years old, and I have never broken a contract and I’m not going to break one now,” vowed Georgia Tech president Dr. Blake Van Leer.
Undeterred, Griffin said the Sugar Bowl should be played with “Southern rules”—that is with no Black players. “In Rome do as the Romans do," he said. "If we played in the North, we would play under Northern rules. Although Louisiana is not Georgia, we should play under Southern rules.”
The regents, however, approved Georgia Tech’s participation in the integrated Sugar Bowl, although one board member worried about its long-term impact: “This will show the world that Georgia stands for segregation where there is no money involved but will sell out when it is.”
Sugar Bowl Spotlight Remains on Bobby Grier
With the matchup set, Pittsburgh traveled to New Orleans and lodged on the all-white Tulane University campus. “As I look back at it, I say I was probably the first Black to sleep in a dormitory there at Tulane,” Grier recalled in the oral history.
When a practice injury befell Pittsburgh’s starting fullback and safety, Grier was in the starting lineup as the Sugar Bowl kicked off January 2, 1956. After making the tackle on the opening kickoff, Grier quickly found himself back in the spotlight.
On Georgia Tech’s second possession, the back judge flagged Grier for a questionable pass interference penalty on a 32-yard throw to the end zone that sailed over the receiver’s head while Grier was flat on the ground. With the ball placed on the 1-yard line, Georgia Tech ran it in for a touchdown and a 7-0 lead. It was the game's only score.
Despite leading Pittsburgh’s rushing attack with 51 yards on a hobbled knee, Grier was in tears after the game because of the costly pass interference penalty, which the Pittsburgh-based official later admitted was a mistake. “I’m on the ground, the ball’s over his head. So how could I push him? He’s behind me,” Grier recalled.
Although there were no catcalls from fans or opposing players during the game, Southern hospitality was in short supply from the manager of the segregated St. Charles Hotel, site of the post-game awards banquet.
“If he shows up, I won’t block his way to the dinner,” he said of Grier. “But you know he would never come."
Not only did Grier take his rightful place at the awards banquet, but he accepted an invitation to dine with a group of Georgia Tech players. (In 2019, the Sugar Bowl inducted Grier into its Hall of Fame.)
Racial change came slowly on and off the football field after the 1956 Sugar Bowl as segregationists took harder lines. Louisiana banned racially mixed events, and Georgia’s Board of Regents passed a new policy that prohibited Georgia and Georgia Tech from playing integrated teams in segregated states.
Benjamin E. Mays, who mentored civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King, Jr., lamented that segregation in campus classrooms didn’t spark similar protests at the 1956 Sugar Bowl. “If the Board of Regents had denied a Negro student admission to Georgia Tech or the University of Georgia, there would hardly have been a demonstration,” he wrote. “But football is big business.”
Still, he did see progress. “Years ago, Georgia Tech would have said to Pittsburgh, ‘Leave Grier home,’ and Pittsburgh would have left him home.”