In March 1947, after communist rebellions arose in Greece and Turkey, U.S. President Harry S. Truman announced in a speech to Congress that the United States would henceforth “support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures,” by giving them military aid. This policy, which became known as the Truman Doctrine, introduced a new era of global engagement for the United States and helped articulate the growing divide between Western democracies and the Soviet Union.
That June, U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall announced the European Recovery Program, known as the Marshall Plan. This economic extension of the Truman Doctrine aimed to help Germany and other European nations rebuild after the ravages of war, foster loyalty among participating states to the United States and make them less vulnerable to the attraction of communism.
Implemented in April 1948, the Marshall Plan directly opposed Stalin’s vision of the postwar world: He had hoped the United States would withdraw from Europe entirely, leaving the U.S.S.R. as the dominant influence in the region.
Soviets Blockade Berlin
Over the first half of 1948, representatives from the United States, Britain and France met in London to discuss the future of Germany. As a result, the United States and Britain agreed to combine their occupied zones to create Bizonia, with the ultimate goal being a single, unified West German state incorporating the U.S., British and French-occupied zones of Germany and Berlin, with a single, stable currency.
When the Soviets learned of these plans in March 1948, they withdrew from the Allied Control Council, which had met since the end of the war to coordinate occupation policy between zones.
In June, U.S. and British officials introduced the new currency, the Deutschmark, into Bizonia and West Berlin, without informing their Soviet counterparts. Viewing this as a violation of their postwar agreements, the Soviets immediately issued their own currency, the Ostmark, into Berlin and eastern Germany.
That same day—June 24, 1948—they blocked all road, railway and canal access to the Allied-occupied zones of Berlin, announcing that the four-way administration of the city had come to an end.