Swamp People

New Episodes Return Thurs. April 3rd at 8/7c; Stream Next Day
Season 4 (24)

16 Seasons | 271 Episodes, 210 Unlocked

Episode 99 Ten Deadliest Hunts
S 4 E 99

Ten Deadliest Hunts

Aired on Jan 27, 2014

Over the years, swampers of Louisiana have risked life and limb fighting thousands of monster alligators. These are the top 10 deadliest hunts of Swamp People.

Episode 23 Swampsgiving 2
S 4 E 23

Swampsgiving 2

Aired on Nov 26, 2013

It’s holiday time on the bayou and Swampers are preparing for their upcoming harvest feasts. They’re out to stock their tables full of traditional delicacies straight from the swamp. But when a family fishing trip turns into a race against the elements and a Swampers traps come up empty, both are forced to quickly find a new plan to save their family celebrations. And when a veteran hunter invites his new friends to the holiday cookout, a lively bet ensues, making this year’s holiday celebration one that won’t soon be forgotten.

Episode 22 Swamp People : No Tomorrow
S 4 E 22

Swamp People : No Tomorrow

Aired on Jul 17, 2013
On last day of alligator season, a massive cold front hits the bayou--driving swampers to extreme measures in order to tag out. One hunter is forced to make the risky move of crashing his boat through a beaver dam, while another hunter puts his life on the line to save his beloved partner.
Episode 21 Deadly Divide
S 4 E 21

Deadly Divide

Aired on Jul 10, 2013

With only 48 hours left in gator season, and weather threatening, the race is on to tag out. One swamper invents a stout secret weapon, while other teams split up to cover more ground. A veteran hunter pushes through extreme pain, while another completes a personal journey to pay tribute to a fallen family member.

Episode 20 The Reaper
S 4 E 20

The Reaper

Aired on Jun 27, 2013

With just three days left in the season, a team sets off to find a serial killer gator named “The Reaper” that has been snatching cattle from ranches in the middle of the night–while another veteran team is plagued by catching alligators so big, they can barely remove them form the swamp. A legendary swamper rallies his family to leave their boats behind and hunt beyond deep in the woods of the bayou.

Episode 19 Beast of the East
S 4 E 19

Beast of the East

Aired on Jun 20, 2013

As the days tick away, swampers are blind-sided with unexpected road blocks. For one veteran hunter, a family member in trouble means putting his own season on hold, while another agrees to help a neighbor in need … but it jeopardizes his chances of tagging-out for second year in a row. One team has only two tags left to catch a legendary gator that they have been stalking for 20 years.

Episode 18 Blood Runs Deep
S 4 E 18

Blood Runs Deep

Aired on Jun 13, 2013

With only five days to go in the season, swampers have to repair their pasts with family and friends if they’re going to have any chance of tagging out. After weeks apart, a veteran hunting team must learn to work together again while another swamper tries to reconcile with his estranged father by vowing to fill his dad’s tags before his own. And when an injury takes down a legendary hunter, his brother is determined to make up for the devastating loss.

Episode 17 Down Goes the King
S 4 E 17

Down Goes the King

Aired on Jun 06, 2013

There’s only seven days left in the Louisiana alligator season. And just as new partnerships hit their stride, they begin to fracture again–forcing swampers to doubt their ability to tag out. While one hunter begins to heal, another faces a season ending injury.

Episode 16 Sabotaged
S 4 E 16


Aired on May 30, 2013

With only eight days left of gator season, duck hunters have descended on the swamp making things causing chaos for swampers. One team abandons their boat and lies in wait with a sniper rifle while another veteran’s hunt for a partner leads her to an unexpected door. And finding their lines tampered with, one team goes from hunting gators to hunting the culprit.

Episode 15 Lightning Strikes
S 4 E 15

Lightning Strikes

Aired on May 23, 2013

The season’s running down and swampers scramble to save a precious day on the water as the worst storm since Hurricane Isaac hammers the gulf coast. One team of swampers start the day fighting the weather and end up fighting each other. Another team’s day turns to disaster when a member of the group is the victim of a shocking accident. Veteran gator hunters have to come up with a Plan “B” for bait and a father and son team use their knowledge to make the storm to work for them.

Episode 14 Deadly Duo
S 4 E 14

Deadly Duo

Aired on May 16, 2013

Just as teams have found their rhythm, partnerships are broken up, leaving veteran hunters to overcome the challenges of changing deckhands midstream. A boat captain father breaks up his teammate sons, poaching one for himself and leaving the other with an unlikely deckhand. A veteran swamper takes advantage of their partner’s last day on the swamp by revisiting a marsh area that’s yielded tremendous gators.

Episode 13 Young Blood
S 4 E 13

Young Blood

Aired on May 09, 2013

With big gators getting harder to catch, the next generation of swampers steps up and helps their families get through some of the deadliest challenges yet. A pair of brothers go on an epic adventure for gators, employing ingenuity and fighting peril while journeying to a land not hunted in forty years. A swamper gets called back to his office job and is determined to make his last day hunting one to remember. A young hunter’s risky night scout pays off.

Episode 12 Devoured
S 4 E 12


Aired on May 02, 2013

A massive sinkhole consumes part of Troy Landry’s hunting grounds and he and his sons must race to his remaining lines in the same area before they are swallowed up. “The Beast of the East” is chased by swampers using gator calls and while one team comes up with a clever way to extract gators from a huge snarled lily field, another bravely hunts for “The Monster of Monster Marsh” while trying to outrun a deadly lightning storm. The biggest gator of the season so far is caught and wrestled onboard.

Episode 11 Ride or Die
S 4 E 11

Ride or Die

Aired on Apr 25, 2013

Halfway through the toughest alligator season in decades, the battle-weary veterans need their deckhands to step up like never before. In a desperate plea for help, one swamper reaches out to an unlikely family member who is terrified of being in the boat. Another veteran struggles to harness the raw talent of his teenage deckhand–while another team hashes out the value of intuition over discipline.

Episode 10 Cursed
S 4 E 10


Aired on Apr 18, 2013

A team of hunters catches a “yellow gator” which is said to be cursed and from that point on, bizarre circumstances fall upon the swamp. While one hunter loses his ability to shoot, another gets bit after a dead gator comes back to life. While RJ and Jay Paul conduct a Native ritual ceremony to rid the swamp of the curse, the Texans begin their season at home, hoping to catch a gator responsible for killing a neighbor’s dog.

Episode 9 Breaking Point
S 4 E 9

Breaking Point

Aired on Mar 21, 2013

Nearly two weeks into the toughest season in years, swampers are starting to break down from fatigue and stress. When an impatient veteran sprays his partner with bullet fragments, it could mean the end to their longtime partnership. Recovering from surgery, one swamper risks their health to stay on the water… and brothers nearly come to blows as frustrations build and authority is challenged.

Episode 8 No Surrender
S 4 E 8

No Surrender

Aired on Mar 14, 2013

The high stakes bet between the Texans and Troy Landry comes to an amazing conclusion. And while one team takes a huge gamble that could upset their entire season, another faces a serious health crisis.

Episode 7 Deadly Chill
S 4 E 7

Deadly Chill

Aired on Mar 28, 2013

A cold front moves into the bayou, threatening to destroy alligator season. To salvage their day, two swampers try to jump their boat over a fifty-foot levee to gain access to warmer waters while others use the private parts of a male gator to lure aggressive males into attacking. And when two hunters find a massive cannibal gator assaulting their hunting grounds, they turn the tables to beat it at it’s own game.

Episode 6 Waging War
S 4 E 6

Waging War

Aired on Mar 21, 2013

Hunting in narrow waterways, one swamper gets bumped overboard during a gator fight while another faces the collapse of his entire season if he can’t catch his first alligator of the year. And when two hunters head back into dark waters to enact revenge on a gator that got away, they get more than they bargained for.

Episode 5 Blood Lines
S 4 E 5

Blood Lines

Aired on Mar 14, 2013

Swampers struggle and fill tags after a devastating hurricane. One hunter suffers a brutal alligator bite that forces him off the water for emergency first aid. Meanwhile, a cold front threatens to end the season for hunters in the north. For another pair, debris-filled waters lead to a serious accident.

Episode 4 Bad Mojo
S 4 E 4

Bad Mojo

Aired on Mar 07, 2013

Poachers invade the swamp and steal high value gators from several of the hunters. The tables are turned by two of the Swampers who come up with a way to catch the criminals in the act. Tensions rise as a high stakes bet leads to a turf war and while a 17-year-old learns some life lessons as the newest hunter on the swamp, a veteran suffers a devastating loss as a result of Hurricane Isaac.

Episode 3 Floating Dead
S 4 E 3

Floating Dead

Aired on Feb 28, 2013

A fish kill of biblical proportions hits the swamp, causing the gators to stop biting lines, and forcing swampers to get inventive in their hunting strategies.

Episode 2 Texas Hold 'Em
S 4 E 2

Texas Hold 'Em

Aired on Feb 21, 2013

To win a high stakes bet against two hunters from Texas, Troy must get his sons to step up and help him bring in the biggest gator. Two of his boys head into a remote area and snag a monster with a treble hook only to be dragged around the swamp by the massive gator. Meanwhile, when one hunter’s gun runs out of bullets, his partner turns to a tiny pocket knife to try and bring down a massive live gator before it attacks the boat.

Episode 1 Swamp Invaders
S 4 E 1

Swamp Invaders

Aired on Feb 14, 2013

After a hurricane tears through the bayou on opening day of Alligator Season, delaying hunting for five critical days, the swampers turn to family to help make up for lost time. Complicating matters is the arrival of two new hunters who invade the Louisiana swamp from their native Texas and challenge King of the Swamp Troy Landry to a high stakes bet. The shortened season forces everyone to take bigger risks including one hunter who jumps into the water to wrestle a huge live gator that tries to get away.

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