HISTORY’s SIX is 6 Certified

On January 6, 2017 Got Your 6 announced five new 6 Certified projects in recognition of film, television, theatrical, and digital content that normalizes depictions of veterans as leaders and community assets. The projects range from the re-creation of WWII soldier musicals in “Blueprint Specials” and HISTORY’s SEAL Team Six-inspired scripted drama series “SIX,” to the portrayal of a veteran and single mother in “One Day at a Time” and a U.S. Army veteran-turned-police officer in “Patriots Day.”

Got Your 6 launched the 6 Certified initiative in early 2015 as a way to challenge industry executives and content creators to craft more thoughtful narratives around veterans and military families. Since the launch, 41 projects have been certified. Read more about 6 Certified Projects.

About Got Your 6:
Got Your 6 is a campaign that unites nonprofit, Hollywood, and government partners. Got Your 6 believes that veterans are leaders, team builders and problem solvers who have the unique potential to strengthen communities across the country. As a coalition, Got Your 6 works to integrate these perspectives into popular culture, engage veterans and civilians together to foster understanding, and empower veterans to lead in their communities. For more information, visit

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