In season 2 of “Lost Gold of World War II,” the search continues for Yamashita’s Gold, a trove many believe to be the greatest lost treasure of World War II. As the team focuses on three key sites—a mysterious waterfall, a large, recently discovered tunnel and a crater known as Breach 6—they are employing a wide array of cool tools, from the high-powered to the high-tech. Here are just a few:
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR): An advanced satellite scan technology that uses targeted frequencies to detect large underground metal deposits.
Excavator: A large machine for removing soil from the ground, especially on a building site.
EM61 Scanner: A metal detector that is able to detect both ferrous and non-ferrous metal. It can detect gold.
Magnetometer: A device that measures magnetism and can be used to detect metals. They can detect only magnetic (ferrous) metals but can detect such metals at a much larger depth of (25ft.) than conventional metal detectors.