Ancient Aliens

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Season 20 (13)

20 Seasons | 201 Episodes, 49 Unlocked

 14 The Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence
S 20 E 14

The Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Premieres on Jul 19, 2024

For thousands of years, humankind has attempted to make contact with beings from beyond Earth. Now, in the 21st century, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence is ramping up like never before, with powerful new technologies allowing us to explore billions of stars across the universe. Are we on the verge of first contact?

Episode 13 The Whistleblowers
S 20 E 13

The Whistleblowers

Aired on Jul 12, 2024

Crashed UFOs. Recovered alien entities. Secret programs. For decades, incredible claims have been made about an extraterrestrial presence on Earth–and the government has gone to great lengths to discredit them. Are we nearing the day when whistleblowers will finally be taken seriously–and their accounts proven true?

Episode 12 Unlocking the Stargates
S 20 E 12

Unlocking the Stargates

Aired on Jul 05, 2024

For thousands of years, cultures around the world have held a belief in stargates through which beings have traveled to Earth from distant points in the universe and even other dimensions. Could such portals truly exist? And if we obtain the key to unlocking the stargates, will we find a cosmos teaming with life?

Episode 11 Mysteries of the Maya
S 20 E 11

Mysteries of the Maya

Aired on Jun 28, 2024

Considered by many to be the greatest civilization in the history of the Americas, the Maya thrived for more than 2,000 years. Now, new evidence is being discovered that completely upends our understanding of this ancient culture… and might provide evidence that the Maya came in contact with extraterrestrial visitors.

Episode 10 Mystery of the Stone Spheres
S 20 E 10

Mystery of the Stone Spheres

Aired on Mar 15, 2024

Throughout the world there are mysterious ancient stones shaped into perfect spheres. Many of them show clear evidence of being manmade and some completely defy explanation. Could the mystery of the stone spheres provide clues about humankind’s alien past?

Episode 9 Mysteries of Scotland
S 20 E 9

Mysteries of Scotland

Aired on Mar 08, 2024

For thousands of years, Scotland has been an epicenter of otherworldly phenomena. It is home to mysterious ancient stone circles, stories of strange beings, and is a major hotspot for UFO sightings. Could it be that Scotland is a magnet for extraterrestrial visitors?

Episode 8 The UFO Superhighway
S 20 E 8

The UFO Superhighway

Aired on Mar 01, 2024

Along the Earth’s north 37th parallel there have been so many reports of unidentified flying objects, animal mutilations, and other mysterious events that it has been dubbed The UFO Superhighway. Could there be something about this latitude that is attracting extraterrestrial visitors?

Episode 7 Secrets of the Sumerians
S 20 E 7

Secrets of the Sumerians

Aired on Feb 23, 2024

More than 7,000 years ago, the ancient Sumerians established what is considered the world’s first civilization, and they credited their extraordinary achievements to their gods, the Anunnaki. But is it possible that these powerful beings were, in fact, extraterrestrial visitors to Earth?

Episode 6 The Top Ten Alien Disasters
S 20 E 6

The Top Ten Alien Disasters

Aired on Feb 16, 2024

Ancient Aliens is counting down the top ten most devastating disasters ever documented that might have an otherworldly connection, from a flying monster at a nuclear incident, a meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs, and a deadly virus that might be from another world. Could these disasters be proof of extraterrestrial contact?

Episode 5 The Top Ten Alien Codes
S 20 E 5

The Top Ten Alien Codes

Aired on Feb 09, 2024

Ancient Aliens is counting down ten of the most intriguing–and mysterious–symbols and codes found across the globe that just might contain proof of otherworldly contact. From glyphs in the Peruvian desert, to spiral petroglyphs embedded with advanced math, and a language with an otherworldly origin, could these codes unlock the secrets of our extraterrestrial past?

Episode 4 The Top Ten Scariest Encounters
S 20 E 4

The Top Ten Scariest Encounters

Aired on Feb 02, 2024

Ancient Aliens is counting down the top ten scariest encounters that just might be evidence of extraterrestrial visitation. From an encounter in rural Texas that left onlookers with unexplainable injuries, to mysterious cattle mutilations, and a man who was abducted in front of a group of people. Are these frightening encounters proof of extraterrestrial contact?

Episode 3 The Top Ten Hidden Alien Bases
S 20 E 3

The Top Ten Hidden Alien Bases

Aired on Jan 19, 2024

Ancient Aliens is counting down the top ten locations around the world that just might be hiding alien bases, including a cavern beneath the ice of Antarctica, a lake in China that is a hotspot for UFOs, and a pyramid under the slopes of Mt. Denali in Alaska. Are these locations proof that extraterrestrials are not only visiting our planet… but are hiding in plain sight?

Episode 2 The Top Ten Extraordinary Creatures
S 20 E 2

The Top Ten Extraordinary Creatures

Aired on Jan 12, 2024

For more than a decade, Ancient Aliens has collected dozens of reports of encounters with strange and mysterious beasts. Now, Ancient Astronaut Theorist Giorgio Tsoukalos takes a look back at The Top Ten Extraordinary Creatures we’ve investigated–creatures that just might provide compelling evidence of extraterrestrial visitation.

Episode 1 The Top Ten Alien Influencers
S 20 E 1

The Top Ten Alien Influencers

Aired on Jan 05, 2024

Did a biblical patriarch receive instructions from 200 angels high above the earth? Were the ancient Greeks taught how to work metal by a race of fish-people? And might Egypt’s most controversial Pharoah have been an extraterrestrial being? Giorgio Tsoukalos looks at mysterious teachers who have appeared throughout history–and reveals The Top Ten Alien Influencers who he believes provide the ultimate proof of extraterrestrial contact.

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