Ancient Aliens

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Season 16 (10)

21 Seasons | 202 Episodes, 49 Unlocked

Episode 10 The Harmonic Code
S 16 E 10

The Harmonic Code

Aired on Mar 12, 2021
Archaeologists have discovered that many ancient sites were built with an acoustic purpose, and often resonate at a frequency that has a profound effect on the human brain. Could ancient people have been aware of a harmonic code? One that put them in contact with alien beings?
Episode 9 The UFO Pioneers
S 16 E 9

The UFO Pioneers

Aired on Mar 05, 2021
In the 20th century, pioneering scientists, journalists and investigators defied convention and began documenting UFOs. Now, with incredible new UFO accounts coming to light, will their work finally culminate in undeniable proof of extraterrestrial visitation?
Episode 8 The Space Travelers
S 16 E 8

The Space Travelers

Aired on Feb 26, 2021
It is humankind's most profound achievement: blasting off into the stars. But is it possible that our voyages into the cosmos are really a return to our true origins? And if so, as we venture out further into outer space, will we encounter space travelers from other worlds?
Episode 7 Impossible Artifacts
S 16 E 7

Impossible Artifacts

Aired on Feb 19, 2021

Throughout the world, ancient objects have been found that leave archaeologists at a loss. Could these impossible artifacts suggest that advanced–and perhaps even extraterrestrial–civilizations existed on Earth thousands of years before our own?

Episode 6 William Shatner Meets Ancient Aliens
S 16 E 6

William Shatner Meets Ancient Aliens

Aired on Feb 12, 2021
In this extraordinary two-hour special, Shatner will bring thought-provoking questions to the leading experts of the show. Ancient Astronaut theorists Giorgio Tsoukalos, Erich von Daniken, David Childress, William Henry and Linda Moulton Howe will be joined by former British Ministry of Defense investigator Nick Pope, rocket scientist Dr. Travis Taylor, theoretical physicist Dr. Michio Kaku, and religious history experts Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok and Reverend Michael Carter. They will explore everything from human origins to groundbreaking archaeological finds, new understandings of the cosmos and the profound possibility that we are not alone in the universe.
Episode 5 The Forbidden Bible
S 16 E 5

The Forbidden Bible

Aired on Dec 18, 2020

Rebellious angels, giant hybrid beings, and humans taken up to a heavenly realm above the Earth. Is it possible that The Book of Enoch was stricken from the Bible because it documents humanity’s extraterrestrial origins?

Episode 4 Giants of the Mediterranean
S 16 E 4

Giants of the Mediterranean

Aired on Dec 11, 2020

Ancient cultures throughout the Mediterranean recorded stories of enormous beings that descended from the sky. Could massive megalithic structures and reported discoveries of towering human-like skeletons reveal that this part of the world was once inhabited by giants?

Episode 3 The Galactic Keyhole
S 16 E 3

The Galactic Keyhole

Aired on Dec 04, 2020

The mysterious symbol of the keyhole exists in mystic texts, sacred architecture and ancient artwork found all over the planet. Could this cryptic shape represent a profound connection to the cosmos? And is it a clue that was left behind by extraterrestrials who visited Earth thousands of years ago?

Episode 2 The Lost Kingdom
S 16 E 2

The Lost Kingdom

Aired on Nov 20, 2020

According to the earliest Tibetan traditions, hidden high in the Himalaya Mountains is a kingdom of the gods–Shambhala. Is it possible that this mystical realm truly exists, and can be reached through ancient practices designed to access other dimensions?

Episode 1 The Divine Number
S 16 E 1

The Divine Number

Aired on Nov 13, 2020

In numerous sacred traditions, the number twelve holds a divine significance. It can be found repeated in ancient architecture, groups of twelve wisdom keepers, and even the latest scientific principles. Could this divine number be part of an alien code left for humanity to decipher?

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