Season 2 (12)

2 Seasons | 25 Episodes

Episode 12 Aliens and the Unseen
S 2 E 12

Aliens and the Unseen

Aired on Jan 08, 2024

Is it possible that shadow people, spirits, poltergeists, and other enigmatic entities are rooted in reality? These strange beings have appeared in ancient texts and folklore worldwide, hinting at a more profound significance to this phenomenon. Could it really be that these otherworldly visitors coexist among us, crossing over from unseen dimensions into our world? And if so, could extraterrestrial visitation originate not from other planets, but from these unseen realms within our reality?

Episode 11 Extraterrestrial Pyramids
S 2 E 11

Extraterrestrial Pyramids

Aired on Jan 01, 2024

Investigators have discovered compelling evidence of concealed pyramids in Alaska, remote China, and even Bosnia. The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, renowned for its precise construction and alignments, continues to unveil fresh secrets with a recent discovery of a hidden chamber within its ancient walls, raising new questions about its purpose and design. And across the globe, at Teotihuacan in Mexico, archaeologists have recently uncovered evidence indicating that the pyramid complex once served a technological function. Could there be a connection among the numerous pyramids found scattered around the world? And if so, did these monuments once serve an extraterrestrial purpose, as Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest?

Episode 10 Alien Effigies
S 2 E 10

Alien Effigies

Aired on Dec 18, 2023

Across the globe, monumental stone figures silently bear witness to a forgotten era. On Easter Island, there are hundreds of Moai figures carved from volcanic rock, each weighing up to ninety tons, with the tallest standing over thirty feet. These imposing statues are believed to possess mystical energies, standing as sentinels guarding Earth. Across the ocean, at the Abu Simbel Temple in Egypt, colossal statues of Ramses the Great are strategically aligned to harness the power of cosmic energies at specific times of the year. In Mesoamerica, the Olmec civilization left behind enigmatic stone heads while the Toltec culture carved impressive stone warriors. Could these awe-inspiring guardians hold the key to unlocking hidden truths about our past and a possible connection to the cosmos?

Episode 9 Aliens and World Leaders
S 2 E 9

Aliens and World Leaders

Aired on Dec 11, 2023

Prominent world leaders including the British Royal Family, Japan’s Defense Minister, the Chinese government, and Russia’s former president have allegedly been investigating Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) for years. Is it possible they are not disclosing everything they know? Insiders claim there has been government contact with extraterrestrial entities. If so, just how far back does this relationship go? And just what might be behind the recent, and seemingly coordinated, release of UFO files worldwide?

Episode 8 Aliens and Mysterious Texts
S 2 E 8

Aliens and Mysterious Texts

Aired on Dec 04, 2023

The rediscovery of books stricken from the Hebrew Bible reveal curious details of heavenly flying chariots, abductions from Earth, and otherworldly visitors to our planet. Similarly, intricate accounts of advanced technology, flying machines, and even powerful weaponry are described in the sacred Vedic texts of India. Could it be, as Ancient Astronaut theorists propose, that truths about our extraterrestrial past can be found within the pages of these mysterious texts?

Episode 7 Alien Outposts
S 2 E 7

Alien Outposts

Aired on Nov 27, 2023

Earth’s grand mountain ranges have held a profound significance to ancient civilizations throughout human history. They are often considered mystical places, associated with divine beings and otherworldly domains. Mount Kailash in the Himalayas is believed to guard the mysterious kingdom of Shambhala, a realm belonging to otherworldly entities with advanced technology. Italy’s Mount Musine has a deep history of extraterrestrial activity, including Constantine’s famous sighting of a fiery cross. And Mount Shasta in Northern California has gained notoriety as a hotspot for UFO sightings, unexplained disappearances, and supernatural encounters. Could there be an extraterrestrial connection to these vast, rugged places? And might they actually serve as Earth’s alien outposts?

Episode 6 Mysteries Beneath the Ice
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Mysteries Beneath the Ice

Aired on Nov 13, 2023

The icy polar regions of Earth have captivated adventurers, explorers, and UFO enthusiasts for centuries. The largely unexplored continent of Antarctica has long been subject to rumors of UFOs, underground tunnel networks, and concealed ancient structures, giving rise to speculation about an alien presence beneath its icy surface. Likewise, and on the other side of the planet, Alaska’s extensive wilderness is known for unexplained disappearances, electromagnetic anomalies, and mysterious creature sightings. Might a close examination of these extreme locales reveal humanity’s ongoing connection to extraterrestrial realms?

Episode 5 Aliens and the Buried Past
S 2 E 5

Aliens and the Buried Past

Aired on Oct 30, 2023

Archaeologists have uncovered temple complexes dating far back into human prehistory. They’ve identified ancient constructions submerged deep in our oceans, and even discovered that many of today’s sacred sites were constructed atop older ruins. Does the mounting evidence suggest the presence of an advanced civilization lost to time? And, as Ancient Astronaut theorists propose, might these structures belong to an extraterrestrial epoch in Earth’s history?

Episode 4 Extraterrestrial Close Encounters
S 2 E 4

Extraterrestrial Close Encounters

Aired on Oct 23, 2023

From rumors of covert extraterrestrial dealings with world leaders to the extraordinary claims of alien abductees and harrowing tales of pilot encounters with UFOs, a growing body of evidence suggests otherworldly beings have been making contact. What if this isn’t a new occurrence? Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest that these extraterrestrial close encounters have been taking place for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

Episode 3 Interstellar Fallout
S 2 E 3

Interstellar Fallout

Aired on Oct 16, 2023

Meteor impacts, cosmic microbes, and space viruses have significantly impacted life as we know it. Recent discoveries suggest that some of the debris falling to Earth could have originated from other star systems and may even be of artificial origin. If so, might this point to ongoing extraterrestrial involvement with our planet, as Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest?

Episode 2 Extraterrestrial Informants
S 2 E 2

Extraterrestrial Informants

Aired on Oct 09, 2023

Government whistleblowers have been instrumental in bringing attention to the often-dismissed topic of unidentified aerial phenomena. From Bob Lazar’s controversial claims about reverse-engineering a UFO craft at Area 51, to shocking UAP video evidence released by former pentagon employee Luis Elizondo, and even to the recent congressional testimony on classified government UFO programs and alleged possession of extraterrestrial entities, for decades informants have risked their reputations and even their safety to publicly reveal their knowledge of an extraterrestrial cover-up. Might these disclosures – and others – finally force the government to make public their top-secret information on alien activity here on Earth?

Episode 1 Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
S 2 E 1

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Aired on Oct 02, 2023

Military and commercial pilots have been stepping forward in recent years with astounding photos and videos evidence of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. Intriguingly, these contemporary sightings share an eerie resemblance to unexplainable objects chronicled in historical records. From ancient symbols engraved on Egyptian sites to centuries-old European depictions of flying machines and even descriptions found in the ancient Vedic texts of India, might the preponderance of evidence suggest that these crafts have been navigating Earth’s skies for millennia, as Ancient Astronaut theorists have long proposed?

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